Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Soft Skills #Etiquette

Hi my name is Eric Conley, student at Community College of Beaver County. At age 57 I'm trying to reinvent myself as an Administrative Professional. I like to think that it is possible at my age to become a good word processor. Young people today have a lack of empathy (out of touch with their emotions and feelings of others). The time and concentration that young people put into looking at a cellphone monitor is unprecedented. Young folks of today need to get the basics soft skills #etiquette my generation was taught. The simple things such as, tell time using a wrist watch, write cursively and be able to read it, communicate to one another through writing and being vocal. My blog is about introducing Soft Skills #Etiquette to young folks. This is a social and life skill experience, to discuss communication to one another, write a letter or a memo cursively, and read a wrist watch. In other aspects of our discussion chivalry, etiquette, and being polite to one another. Life skills such as reading a utility bill and learn to understand words such as, abstinence, OB/GYN, and cleanliness. We would love to get feedback from our critics and followers. The writer can be reach at ericconley58@gmail. Our comment policy no profanity, no nudity pictures.


"Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my academic institution, Community College of Beaver County or any employee thereof."

1 comment:

  1. I can agree Mr.CONLEY. but I also think this is something the young generation should be taught in school as well. Even most of the schools now a days has gone to social media! It can help to some degree but not with real-life situations.Most of these schools are worried about making it fun for the kids instead of making fun where it would actually teach you a real life lesson and how to think outside the box. Knowledge is power and I think this generation of kids is not being simulated enough to where when they get out in the world, they go with the flow instead of thinking what can I do to make a change. Once again it goes back to the basics. You have to build the foundation before you can build the house.
